About Top5 Colleges
Top5 Colleges is a platform launched by Virtue Analytics Inc. We provide high school students and their families with an easy way to compare financial aid across multiple colleges and universities. The current process of searching and determining the costs associated with various colleges and comparing them is very time-consuming, and financial-aid estimates are confusing for students and their families. Virtue Analytics provides an opportunity for students to take a single survey and compare the amount of financial aid they can potentially receive across hundreds of colleges and universities. We can provide an apples-to-apples comparison, and the process is neither confusing nor time-consuming. The ‘Top Five College’ is an essential tool for high school counselors who help students plan for college and determine their top choices.
Financial Aid/ Scholarship
Get a projected estimate of the merit-based scholarships the student will get from various colleges of their choice.
Personalized Estimation
The financial estimation after taking into account the academics, standardized test scores and Expected Family Contribution.
Easy Comparison
With the ease-to-use tool the user will get the cost of attendance (direct and indirect costs), financial aid, and actual out of pocket cost for the selected colleges at one glance.